Come in! The Church is Open!
Thank you for visiting us here at the Church of Jesus the King - God Bless you, you are most welcome! The Church of Jesus the King is an international catholic and ecumenical community. We strive to live out our Christian vocations in all areas and levels of modern life. We try to be open, welcoming, compassionate, serious, and committed. We want to consider ourselves to be progressive, experimental, and yet fundamentally traditional and truly catholic. The Church of Jesus the King is part of the large family of independent Latin American Episcopal Churches that trace their history back to Bishop Carlos Duarte Costa, and his setting up of the Brazilian Catholic Church in 1945. Our history also goes back to Bishop Salomao Barbosa Ferraz, an Anglican (formerly Presbyterian) minister, who worked for Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation in the 1920s and 1930s. He was made a Catholic Bishop by Carlos Duarte Costa in 1945, and was recieved into the Roman Catholic Church as an old man. The Church of Jesus the King was founded within this Latin American Church tradition in 1978, in the midst of the resistance to the Military Dictatorship in Argentina. We are grounded therefore in Liberation, Resistance, and Free Catholicism. The Church's founder, Archbishop Romulo Antonio Braschi, still heads the movement, and is spritual father to communities in Argentina, Brazil, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, United Kingdom, and USA. |
Province of the British Isles - What you will find here
Well, first of all you'll realise that we are just building and updating this site - bear with us! This will shortly become the site of the Province of the British Isles of the Catholic Apostolic Charismatic Church of "Jesus the King", approved and ratified by Archbishop Braschi in Buenos Aires on 12 December 2005. We are in the process of adding photos, prayers, items of news and interest. Look out for our events and services. While we try to do everything with the maximum of love, we are doing it with the minimum of computer know-how! News! This year, 2006, Archbishop Braschi celebrates 40 years of priestly ministry and 8 years since his consecration as a bishop - warmest congratulations to him! The British Isles Province meanwhile looks forward to its First Birthday on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. News! The remains of Presidente Juan Domingo Peron to be moved to a new resting place in San Vicente, Argentina: http://ar.news.yahoo.com/061016/7/v6vv.html Noticias! Ver noticias en castellano: http://ar.yahoo.com/ |
Will you follow Mary's example and say "Yes!" today?
Are you looking to start a life of Mission, a Prayer Group, or Ministry? Good for you! Perhaps you are interested in our mission to the Latin American community? Why not find out what we do and how we can help. We are especially open to approaches for ecumenical dialogue and enquiries about vocations to Ordained Ministry. |
Contact Us Today! Say Hello!
We would like you to feel free to contact us for whatever reason. Perhaps you want more information about our services, theology, history, or missions. Can we bless your union, help celebrate a new arrival in the family, or accompany you on your spiritual journey? We welcome vocational enquiries. You might have suggestions for our website, or maybe you just fancy a chat, or you want to share a problem - it's what we're here for! If we can't help you with your enquiry ourselves, we can certainly put you in touch with someone who can.

Iglesia Catolica Apostolica Carismatica "Jesus Rey" en Castellano
Aqui tenemos la pagina de la comunidad en espanol. Actualmente algunas paginas estan en construccion, pero todavia recomendamos una visita a la Iglesia Madre!
http://www.catolicoscarismaticos.com/ |